Creative Flower Photography

This Tuesday, The club throughly enjoyed a presentation by Molly Holman (a winner of national and international awards) on garden photography. She showed us her use of mostly overlays as apposed to textures to improve her images from both outdoors and her light box indoors, for more creative and impactful photography. Molly explained her use of different lenses, and the colour wheel to get the best of a subject. Molly also talked a lot about getting the right background and her use of a diffuser to cut out harsh light and that the best day to photograph flowers was actually an overcast one.

She loves all flowers and finds that ones that have gone over particularly tulips create a great shape to work with and are wonderful to photograph. Great advise was to make sure that you were at eye level with your subject whatever the height it is situated. I am sure that many of the club will be out in the spring and summer now producing their own creative flower photography.

More information on Molly can be found on her website.


Annual Creative and Annual Close-up & Macro Competitions


Studio Evening - Light Painting