Devizes Photography Club Committee Roles


Below are details of the responsibilities of committee members.

New members are always welcome on the Committee - if you would like to consider one of the roles, please read the relevant information below and sign your name on the nomination form before the AGM


The responsibilities of the chairperson are:

To advise the secretary of any agenda items including any Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings and to chair these meetings.

To ensure that meetings run to schedule, that members stay focussed on the agenda and that those present have a chance to express their point of view.

To offer support to other committee members as required and ensure all actions are addressed in a timely manner.

To ensure the constitution of the Club is adhered to. To be a signatory on the club bank account along with any other nominated persons.

To welcome any visiting judge or speaker and propose a vote of thanks to them.

When required to do so, act as a final decision maker. To submit an annual report for the Annual General Meeting.

To regularly attend committee meetings.


Vice Chairman  

(to be elected from among committee members) responsibilities of the vice chairman are;-

To stand-in for the chairman when he or she is not able to be present.

To regularly attend committee meetings.


Club Secretary

The responsibilities of the Secretary are:

To be the main point of contact for the club for information and enquiries and to respond to these enquiries in a timely manner.

When there are enquiries from possible new members, to pass their contact details to the Membership Secretary in good time so the Membership Secretary can respond in a timely manner.

To co-ordinate the distribution of information either electronically or by post, as appropriate, to all club members.

To act as main point of contact for members of the committee in liaising with the chairman ensure that an agenda is produced for all relevant meetings 10 days before such meetings and afterwards minutes of the meeting are distributed, as needed, within 2 weeks of the said meeting.

To be a signatory on the club bank account along with any other nominated persons.

To contribute with others to the wider development of the club.

To maintain an inventory of club equipment

To regularly attend committee meetings and take notes.

To submit an annual report for the Annual General Meeting.


Club Treasurer

The responsibilities of the Club Treasurer are:

To liaise with the Membership Secretary so you can maintain a full and accurate list of club members and their details.

To collect all membership fees (including door money) and pay all expenses, within agreed timescales.

To maintain an accurate and audit-able record of all club income and expenditure (petty cash and bank account) and to liaise with the appointed independent accounts verifier.

To provide each committee meeting with an up-to-date statement of accounts.

To submit an annual report for the Annual General Meeting.

To ensure that all records are fully audited prior to AGM (or EGM as required)

To be the main point of contact with regards to matters associated with club finances.

To be the prime signatory to the club’s bank account(s.)

To assist in the collection of monies from any club exhibition or presentation. 

To be custodian of the petty cash key and store cupboard key.

To ensure petty cash is kept safely and monies belonging to the club are banked as soon as is practicable.

To ensure any insurances for the club’s affairs are renewed as needed

To regularly attend committee meetings.


Membership Secretary

The responsibilities of the Membership Secretary are: -

To liaise with the treasurer to maintain a full and accurate list of club members and their details and check that memberships fees are paid as required.

To respond to any enquiries about club membership

To ensure all members are allocated a membership number

To maintain a data base of membership and ensure that each month relevant committee members are informed of any changes

To maintain a welcome pack for new members and for others who express an interest in joining the club.

To ensure all members are given information about how to access the club’s website including where to find out about competition rules and the clubs constitution.

Where appropriate to identify any club member who may be missing meetings and establish why this might be so. If members request help with a particular aspect of photography to endeavour to link them with someone who may be able to help them.

To regularly attend committee meetings.

To submit an annual report for the Annual General Meeting.


Competition Secretary   

Projected Images (note - Projected Image and Print competition Secretary roles can be combined, or the duties divided)

The responsibilities of the Digital Image Secretary are: - Pre-Competition Phone or email the appointed judge to remind them about 3-4 weeks before the competition date.

Agree with the judge when and where he/she requires entries for pre-viewing.

Remind members of entry date and rules.

Collect all Projected Images by final date and if needed enter into DIcentra 

Contact the judge and deliver CD of PI’S

Inform whoever is assembling equipment how many stands are needed for prints and what other equipment is required.


Judges – Competition pack

Arrange delivery method of prints Include: Map of Devizes showing Devizes Sports Club,

Explanation and guidance on sections and number of awards appropriate to each competition.

Confirm any special rules, criteria, or definitions for the competition.

Include a printed list of entries in a format that can be read in subdued lighting; a list of contacts – yourself, chairman and secretary and mobile phone contact numbers. in emergency


On Competition night: Meet and greet judge. Arrange refreshments etc

Check that all equipment is in place and download digital entries onto computer. Organise a projectionist.

Read out award winners List the award winners.

Let treasurer know likely expenses due to judge to arrange payment.

Ensure a camera is available to take photo of winner’s presentation.


After competition: Thank judge – letter or e-mail Record award winners and points,

Ensure points table is updated Compile results lists. Send Award winning PI’s and lists for website Advise Beginners and Intermediate members when they gain required number of points to go up to the next category.


During the year: Choose and arrange judges for next season - usually by telephone first,

Confirm appointment by letter or e-mail (letter templates in file).  Best source is PAGB or WCPF books.  Committee will help. This should be completed by end May for printing. Letter (in file) should include a reply form (in file) and SAE.

To encourage all members to enter such competitions.

To submit an annual report for the Annual General Meeting.

Trophies - Collect trophies from members when required.

Have trophies ready for presentation when required. Make out the list of recipients.

Organise engraving. Have all trophies ready for the presentation evening.

To regularly attend committee meetings.


Print Competition Secretary

The responsibilities of the Print Image Secretary are: -

Pre-Competition Phone or email the appointed judge to remind them about 3-4 weeks before the competition date.

Agree with judge when and where he/she requires entries for pre - viewing.

Remind members of entry date and rules.

Collect Print Image entries, correct naming conventions if necessary.

Print lists for the judge and announcer.  The judge’s list should not show names, just competition number and/or titles

Contact the judge and deliver Prints

Inform whoever is assembling equipment how many stands are required for prints and if print stand, screen, projector, speakers etc. are required plus, duties as above for projected images or the roles may be combined.


Battle Secretary

The responsibilities of the Battle Secretary are: -

Pre-Competition and Selection; Keep notes of dates set by other clubs or federations for battles that the club is entering. (Calne multi battle, DPIC, Warminster print battle, GB Cup etc.)

Inform Programme Secretary of dates of Battles for programme.

Inform club members of final entry date for collection of entries (about 4 weeks before battle)

Inform members of print and PI sizes and formats required as given by battle organisers.

Collect prints and/or PI’s and list the entries. Selection and Post Selection Organise a selection committee of qualified members to select the club’s entry for each battle.

Check selected digital files for size, naming format, colour space according to battle rules etc. Number and copy PI’s to CD according to the competition rules.

Check prints for size, title, club name not shown etc. Post, email or deliver clubs entries by the required date.

Check arrival. Inform members of time and date of battle and arrange tickets if required.

Competition Day Either attend the battle or arrange a representative to keep score and list results.

Print out results for notice board and website


For home battles - all the above plus: -


Arrange dates for ‘home’ and internal battles with the Programme Secretary and other club/clubs concerned. This can take some time so start early.

Select and get confirmation from judges for ‘home’ battles using Judges booking form. Establish if judge prefers to see work before hand or judges cold on night.

When a judge has accepted a booking send a confirmation letter.

State requirements for ‘home’ battles i.e., digital size, naming format, print size etc. Arrange schedule for collection of entries, selection, and delivery to judge.

Arrange collection of entries from other club/clubs. I f the battle is to be judged cold ask for CD of PI’s and list of prints. Prints to be brought on night.

After selection make list of club entries for notice board. Combine the entries from the participating clubs together.

Make list of combined entries. Print list of entries for judge and a copy for club notice board. Enter PI’s into DiCentra.

Contact the judge 2-3 weeks prior to battle and arrange delivery if required.

Print out score sheets for prints and PI’s., lists for judge and lists with members names.

Inform judge of rules to be used (no. of entries, max. points etc.) Check judge knows date, time, and venue (send map)

Check visiting clubs have details of time and venue. Leave judge mobile phone number for last minute contact.

Organise equipment – computer, projector, print stand etc. Load DiCentra CD into computer and check. (Have files on CD or PTE file in case of problem)

Arrange to greet judge on arrival. Offer refreshments. Arrange payment of fee.

Let members of visiting clubs have copies of score sheets Ask 2 members from each club or side to keep score sheets.

Read out titles and authors of prints. Check print scores and announce leader. Operate DiCentra and read out authors names.

Check total scores and announce winner. Arrange presentation of any trophies or certificates.

Print results for notice board and send results for inclusion on website.

Send thank you note to judge after battle

To regularly attend committee meetings. To submit an annual report for the Annual General Meeting.


Programme Secretary

The responsibilities of the Programme Secretary are: -

In consultation with others and taking due account of members preferences to undertake to plan a varied and interesting programme for the next season.

To liaise with the competition secretaries to ensure all proposed or planned activities can be resourced with judges and any closing dates can be met.

To ensure speakers and/or judges are booked in good time

To establish in good time any requirements of any speaker or judge in good time prior to the event so that their needs can be met.

To have a contingency should a speaker not be able to fulfil his commitments.

To liaise with the treasurer to ensure any fees or expenses are affordable and paid promptly.

To inform the membership of any changes to the programme

To write up and proof the programme and ensure it is sent to the printers so it will be available before September 1st of each year.

To liaise with the secretary about selling advertising space in the printed programme.

Informally report to the committee feedback on any aspect of the programme.

To regularly attend committee meetings.


Publicity Secretary’s Role

All Meetings - Write and post an advertisement for every meeting on the DPC Facebook and Instagram accounts on the Friday prior to a meeting at 6pm or 1st thing Saturday morning and a reminder on both accounts on the morning of the meeting.

Speaker Meetings - Write a post to include images sent to the programme secretary by a speaker, to be posted on the DPC Business FB page on the Wednesday prior to a meeting. Boost this post at a cost of up to £10 to increase circulation and visibility.

Check the settings for boosted posts - e.g., demographic etc.

Speaker Meetings - Publicise meetings with speakers on all local FB Notice Boards and Photography pages on the Friday prior to the meeting at 6pm or 1st thing on Saturday morning.

Speaker Images - email speakers through their website to obtain images if none are available.

DPC FB page activity - keep an eye on day-to-day posts on our FB page. Comment and like posts, accept or decline people who want to join the group. Review the rules and questions joiners need to answer periodically.

FB Admins and Moderators - the publicity secretary is the group Admin and Caroline Wright is group Moderator. Keep in contact with Caroline over decisions concerning the FB group.

Instagram Posts - contact all competition winners and HCs requesting a story about their image/s for posting on IG.
Write up the stories and add hashtags.
Assemble images from the competitions sent by the Competition Secretary.

Post images and stories on Instagram on alternate days throughout the year.
Make posters in Photoshop for every meeting and post on IG on Friday at 6pm or 1st thing Saturday morning prior to a meeting. (Same posters can be used for FB).

Exhibitions - Keep an eye out for exhibition opportunities for a print exhibition in the local area. Posters/Leaflets - Look for local notice boards to pin posters - shops/villages/cafes etc.

Special Interest Group Workshops - publicise Special Interest Group Workshops on DPC FB to gain support and let outsiders know about our outings.

Committee - Attend monthly committee meetings.
Write a monthly report of what the publicity secretary has been doing.
Negotiate funds for publicity, e.g., boosted FB posts, with the treasurer and committee.


Committee Members without Portfolio

The responsibilities of members without a portfolio are: -

To regularly attend committee meetings

To be a voice for ordinary members

To bring to committee any special expertise you may have which will benefit the club

To support other committee members with their tasks either as a one off or in a deputizing role.


 Complied by Club Secretary