Learn how to see. Realise that everything connects to everything else - Leonardo DaVinci

Image by Sarah Lovett


Street Photography

You fill the frame with feelings, energy, discovery, and risk, and leave room enough for someone else to get in there
— Joel Meyerowitz

Image by Gerald Clarke



A good photograph is knowing where to stand.
— Ansel Adams

West Woods image by Bridgett Codrington


ICM Photography

Why Limit yourself to what your eyes see when you have such an opportunity to extend your vision?
— Edward Weston

Budapest, Liberty Bridge By David Lock


Monochrome Photography

Black and White Photography does more to evoke an emotion and freeze a moment in time than any other medium
— Cliff Edom

Image by Gerald Clarke


Creative Photographic Blending Styles

Photographers should follow their own judgement, and not the fads and dictates of others.
— Bill Brandt

Fallen Apples by Jane Wiltshire


Fine Art Photography

There is only you and your camera. the limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.
— Earnst Haas

Conifers, Cinque Torri By Sue Wadman


Landscape Photography

Actually, it’s nature itself that creates the most beautiful pictures, I’m only choosing the perspective
— Katie Michael

Male Cuckoo in the Rain By David Wilkinson


Nature Photography

the best wildlife photographers are patient observers, immersing themselves in the moment to capture the true essence of the subject
— Art Wolfe