Print Mounting and submitting images to a Print Competition

At Special Interest Group meeting on 15th November 2023. 15 members attended and for first half of the meeting we discussed ideas trips and outings for the upcoming year. Ideas included 

  • A visit to Gloucester for a Steam Punk event,the Christmas markets and the outdoor skating rink, 

  • trips to Porthcawl to photograph a winter storm breaking over the lighthouse.

  • Severn beach to capture the sunset at the Prince of Wales Bridge , 

  • A street photography to trip to Bath with special access to Bath Abbey Tower to photograph Bath from above.

  • A midsummer visit to Clevedon  to capture sunset setting at the end of the pier

  •  Nature trips to Slimbridge, the Hawk Conservancy and Brownsea Island 

  • An autumn trip to Bushey Park for the Deer Rutt. 

  • A  Dusk to Dawn trip to London, starting late evening to photograph the South Bank , Canary Wharf and the City of London through the night, hopefully the weather will be kind and we will manage the sun setting over the capitol and rising again in the morning before we catch the early train back home.

  • A boat trip on Poole Harbour to photograph the many birds that live or migrate through the harbour area.                                                                                                                                                                                                

These trips are now in the planning stage and will be added to the website in the Workshop area as soon as plans are finalised 

We then split into smaller groups with some of our more experienced members including Dave Gray, Heidi Massey , Sue Wadman and Bridget Codrington helping newer and less experienced members with image preparation for competitions for both  print and PI  images . There was also an opportunity for members to try mount cutting.


ICM in West Woods


Fungi Foray